Thursday 9 June 2016

Watch straight women touching another woman’s Veejay. Their reactions are hilarious! (video)

touching vagina

We have already seen lesbian women touching penises, kissing men for the first time, gay men touching bre@.$ts and v@.g!n@s for the first time and now there’s time for one more odd experiment.
American lesbian couple Bria and Chrissy, who are known for their Youtube experiments that erase the boundaries between human curiosity, guilt and sexual experience, have shared one more video showing a group of straight ladies touching another woman’s v@.g!n@.

Explaining their desire to enlighten and make people more comfortable with their own bodies Bria and Chrissy said: “Women are not taught to love or explore their bodies or their v@.g!n@, or really, being a woman.
There’s so much shame women have piled on them as they grow up, they feel so much self-doubt about themselves, and that’s a hard way to go through life. It would be good for people to see how little we know and how much it affects how we see ourselves.”
To see women’s reactions during the experiment watch video below:

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